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Why You Need Graduation Pictures

young women standing back to the camera wearing graduation gowns celebrating graduation pictures

School is hard. Accomplishing that is something to celebrate, and that’s where graduation pictures come in. During these sessions it’s more than smiling at the camera and getting dressed up. We’re celebrating you, and all the accomplishments you have successfully achieved to get to where you are now. Graduation pictures are some of my most treasured memories, I’m able to be transported back to that time in my life, where I met some of my lifelong friends, the bridesmaids at my wedding, and the godmother for my unborn daughter. It’s so much more than just pictures. It’s your memories.

woman standing with hand on hips in graduation gown

Graduation pictures are so important and honestly like a rite of passage. Whether you’re graduating college or high school, it’s important to celebrate these special moments. Capture these memories forever, and have them to share and reminisce about for years to come.

Top 4 Reasons For Graduation Pictures

woman sitting on ground on college campus celebrating

1. You’ve Earned It!

You have worked your butt off these past 4+ years to earn a degree (or your high school diploma!) and you deserve to be celebrated. During your graduation pictures we are going to celebrate you, and all of your accomplishments through confetti popping, graduation cap tossing, and lots of laughs. We’ll talk about all the late nights you spent in the library studying, and the classes or professors you loved.

girls taking pictures on college campus celebrating college graduation

2. It’s Your Last Few Memories On Campus

You have spent some of the highlights of your life and also some of the low points in your life on this campus. When is the next time you’ll be back after graduation? I don’t know about you, but I haven’t been back to my high school in a while. The library has seen your tears, ‘your table’ won’t be yours much longer. After spending the last year or so learning virtually, let’s take this opportunity to reflect on some of those memories you’ve made on campus.

3. Memories with Your Best Friends

I don’t know about you, but college is where I met some of my best friends. The bridesmaids in my wedding, the godmother of my unborn daughter, and so much more is because of my experiences at college. I wouldn’t have ever met these incredible women in my life. Having them in my life is something worth celebrating. College is where I made the closest connections and I am so thankful for those relationships. If you’re gra

group of girls celebrating graduation together

4. Graduation Announcements

Lastly, graduation announcements! Sending graduation announcements is a great way to let family and friends know all about your accomplishments. Some colleges and universities are limiting the amount of people allowed at graduation, if there is a ceremony at all. Sending these announcements is a great way to include those that can’t attend. Allow them to feel like they are a part of your journey!

Ready to celebrate with me? Let’s chat!

girl popping confetti cannon during graduation session
girl sitting on ground wearing graduation clothing
group of women wearing graduation gowns celebrating
young girl wearing graduation gown smiling at camera

College Graduate, Seniors

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You only graduate once, and I want you to have a unique experience that you can look back on and remember the good times of high school!

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