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Choosing a Senior Quote You’ll Still Like in 10 Years! | Chattanooga Senior Photography

senior sitting while wearing a blue shirt and jeans talking about choosing a senior quote

It’s your senior year, and as a Chattanooga senior photographer, I know this feeling well. It’s such an exciting time and things are changing, quickly! Choosing a senior quote shouldn’t be something you lose sleep over, but something that is a fun milestone. Let’s get to the good stuff, how to choose a senior quote that you’ll still like 10 years from now!

Choose a Senior Quote with Meaning

Don’t pick something just because, ‘it sounds good’ or ‘it’s popular’. Choose something because it impacted your life in a positive and meaningful way. Whether that’s something your parents said to you growing up, or even a bible verse that helped you through some dark times. Some of my favorite bible verses that can be used are, Jeremiah 29: 11, and Philippians 4:13. The quotes that end of being the ones people regret are the ones that have no meaning.

Chattanooga senior session with senior reps posing in Ooltewah sunflower session

Honor Your Friends

Your friends have played a crucial role in your high school career and have help mold you into who you are today. Choosing the right people to stand alongside you was a big decision and hopefully one that made your high school experience that much better. What better way to remember those friendships by shouting them out in your senior quote!

Showcase Your Personality

Think of something that is a good representation of your personality. That doesn’t mean choosing something from a popular song, or show you like. Those things fade, and unless it has truly changed your life. Forget it! SO many kids in my high school put quotes from people like Kanye West, and 15 years from now, I doubt anyone will care what he had to say!

Honor Your Parents in Your Senior Quote

Throughout your life, things change, but one thing that was probably incredibly consistent, were your parents. They were always there, cheering you on, and supporting your through some of life’s toughest trials. God gave you these people for a reason, let’s honor them and thank them in your quote! Years from now, you’ll still love your parents and will be grateful for everything they’ve done for you. That’s something that won’t fade.

No matter what you choose, have fun with it and don’t let it stress you out! You’ve got this!

young woman wearing pink dress during outdoor senior portraits

Ready to talk about taking some Chattanooga senior portraits? Let’s do this!

Young tennessee senior celebrating senior year in outdoor session with white dress on


meet your photographer

You only graduate once, and I want you to have a unique experience that you can look back on and remember the good times of high school!

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